最新訊息:USB4.0 Type C connector 連接器


Welcome to the next generation of USB performance. Today’s advanced devices require significantly higher data performance to maintain the interactive experiences users have come to expect. USB4® represents a major update to deliver the next generation of USB architecture – enabling the highest USB bandwidth available and extending
USB Type-C® performance.

The USB4 Specification complements and builds upon the existing USB 3.2 and 2.0 architectures. Based on the Thunderbolt™ protocol specification contributed by the Intel Corporation, USB4 doubles the maximum aggregate bandwidth of USB and enables multiple simultaneous data and display protocols.

The USB4 architecture defines a method to dynamically share a single high-speed link with multiple end device types to best serve the transfer of data by type and application. As the USB Type-C connector has evolved into the role as the external display port of many host products, the USB4 specification provides the host the ability to optimally scale allocations for display data flow. Compatibility with existing USB 3.2, USB 2.0, and Thunderbolt 3 hosts and devices is supported, and the resulting connection scales to the best mutual capability of the devices being connected.

Key characteristics of the USB4 solution include:

Two-lane operation using existing USB Type-C cables and up to 40 Gbps operation over 40 Gbps certified cables
Multiple data and display protocols to efficiently share the maximum aggregate bandwidth over the bus
Backward compatibility with USB 3.2, USB 2.0 and Thunderbolt

歡迎來到下一代 USB 性能 當今的高級設備需要顯著更高的數據性能來保持使用者所期望的互動式體驗 USB4® 代表了提供下一代 USB 架構的重大更新 - 實現最高的 USB 頻寬和擴展
USB C® 型性能

USB4 規範是對現有 USB 3 2 和 2 0 架構的補充和構建 基於英特爾公司提供的 Thunderbolt™ 協定規範,USB4 將 USB 的最大總頻寬提高了一倍,並支援多個同步數據和顯示協定

USB4 架構定義了一種與多種終端設備類型動態共用單個高速鏈路的方法,以便按類型和應用最好地為數據傳輸提供服務 隨著 USB Type-C 連接器已發展成為許多主機產品的外部顯示埠,USB4 規範使主機能夠最佳地擴展顯示數據流的分配 與現有 USB 3 2 兼容, 支援 USB 2 0 和 Thunderbolt 3 主機和設備,並且生成的連接將擴展到所連接設備的最佳相互功能。USB4 解決方案的主要特性包括:

使用現有的 USB C 型電纜進行雙通道操作,在 40 Gbps 認證電纜上以高達 40 Gbps 的速率運行
向後相容 USB 3 2、USB 2 0 和迅雷 3

USB4.0 Type C connector 連接器